On June 23, Mahesh Bhatt and Anand Pandit presented their film “1920 Horrors of the Heart.” The film, released worldwide by M Ramesh’s Lakshmi Ganapati Films Studio, is still performing exceptionally well in its second week. Bollywood has delivered its first superhit film of the month with “1920 Horrors of the Heart.” This horror film, made on a low budget, has already crossed the net business of approximately 12 crores in its first week and continues to run successfully in nearly 490 theaters across India in its second week. It is expected to surpass the 20 crore mark soon. A grand party was held at a five-star hotel in Mumbai to celebrate the success of the film, attended by the film’s cast, technicians, and renowned personalities from the film industry. Businessman Anand Bihari Yadav was also present on this occasion.
“1920 Horrors of the Heart” is directed by Vikram Bhatt’s daughter, Krishna Bhatt, and stars Avika Gor, Danish Pandor, and Rahul Dev in lead roles. The film is produced by Dr. Khaware, Rakesh Junja, and Shwetambari Bhatt. Dilip Soni Jayaswal and Sanjay Singh serve as associate producers for the film. Their hard work and dedication resulted in the timely release of the film, which is now waving the flag of success on such a grand scale.
Rahul V Dubey, the creative head of Anand Pandit Motion Pictures, planned the marketing and release of the film. Sanjay Singh, associate producer for Lakshmi Ganapati Films Studio, was acknowledged as the magician behind this film’s success. The success party in Mumbai saw the presence of Mahesh Bhatt, Vikram Bhatt, Anand Pandit, Avika Gor, Rahul Dev, Avatar Gill, Pranav Vats, the team from L.G.F. Studios, A.P.M.P. team, Pan India distributor, and other celebrities. Dilip Soni Jayaswal and Sanjay Singh expressed their gratitude to everyone for attending the party. The film’s PR is handled by Sanjay Bhushan Patiala.