Saturday, January 18, 2025

Work From Home Culture, Boon or Curse?

If you want to take advantage of work from home, then you should do all your work with a full schedule.

Since the Corona epidemic, the trend of working from home has increased rapidly in the country and abroad. After the lockdown, where all the businesses were closed, offices were not allowed to open, in such a situation, the biggest challenge for the companies was how to work. As an answer to this, working from home emerged as a big relief.

This difficult time has taught me that work can also be done from home. Along with making changes in some technical things, employees started working from home while changing some traditional things.

In the initial days, everyone loved working from home. There were many reasons for this like saving time and money in commuting to an office, spending more time with family at home, and working at any time day and night without any pressure but every coin has two sides, everything There are some positive and negative effects.

Today, if we talk about a country like India, then the outbreak of Corona epidemic has reduced to a great extent. After which most of the offices have opened, or are opening slowly. At the same time, many companies are still promoting work from home.

According to a recent report published in the Economic Times, an average Indian spends 2 hours on the road. Working from home, he utilizes this time for moonlighting and other activities. This time from work from home is used in other works. On the other hand, there are some companies that are against this culture and believe that it affects the productivity of both the company and the employee, the employee is not able to work fully. This type of debate goes on every day.

Work From Home,WFH,Working Culture,

But from the point of view of an employee and employer, today we will tell you some such things through which you can understand whether working from home is a boon or a curse.

Effects On Health:

It is believed that employees can work comfortably from home in work from home, but according to a study published in the Journal of Applied Psychology, video conferencing is being used more in work-from-home culture. Which has a big impact on our physical and mental health.

Due to continuous video and audio meeting calls, being online continuously to finish office work, affects mental health. Due to work from home culture, many times employees keep working till late at night without any management.

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There is no set time for them to sleep or to wake up, due to which they have to face problems like lack of sleep, laziness all the time, red eyes, back pain, and tiredness. If the body is not taken care of while working from home, then it is no less than a curse. That’s why it is important that if you are working from home, then do everything at the right time.

Working By Making A Schedule Can Be Beneficial:

If you want to take advantage of working from home, then you should do all your work with a full schedule. While working, work should be done taking full care of the time. For this, it is important that you first set a place in your house where you can sit and work comfortably.

Apart from work, take care of the right timing in eating and drinking. Many times, while working from home, food and drink are not taken care of, due to which the health starts deteriorating. To avoid this, eat food at the right time and take full advantage of work from home.

Can Keep Yourself Healthy:

One of the major advantages of working from home is that you can take out time for yourself. Often people do not get time for themselves in the midst of the office rush. They are neither able to do any workouts nor are they able to fulfill their hobbies. So if you are doing work from home then you can start the morning with exercise.

This will keep your body full of energy for the whole day. Through this, you can spend your travel time in some other activity, as well as get some learning. All these activities will help in keeping you healthy and fit.

Can Spend Time With Family:

Many people do not have a comfort zone for working from home. A place where he can work in a separate room with privacy. Homework along with office work increases stress and anxiety. But on the other hand, there are some people who do all the work from home at the right time and also give time to their families.

That’s why in working from home, you can take full time for your family in between your office work. With this, you will have full time for both your personal and professional life and you will be able to work better.

Overall, the option of working from home is a profitable deal for both the employee and the employer. If it is used in a planned manner, then it can improve the personality and also you can achieve success in it.


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