Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Why Scoring is Boring? Is Scoring the only option for a Better Future?

Scoring is Boring is a book written by the author Saumya Saxena who is a management postgraduate with 10+ years of corporate and several years of entrepreneurship experience.

While she was exploring her corporate career, she was also a devoted mother who took care of her children’s health and studies. She noticed that her kids were struggling with their studies and face peer pressure that affected their performance. She observed similar signs of stress in her kids as other teenagers. These pressures mounting to teenage suicides had her thinking and she began focusing her energies on finding ways to ease their pain.

Scoring Is Boring is not only for teenagers but a guide for their parents too. The parents find it difficult to control their expectations and end up pressuring their kids to get a competitive score. Teenagers find it challenging to gain interest in mainstream subjects taught in traditional ways to get that perfect score.

This boredom draws them away from achieving their academic goals and enjoying their life as a student. To add to their anxiety, the unmet expectation of parents leads to heated conversations that exhaust both parents and the kids. For years, parents have struggled to find a solution to this problem but only a few have succeeded.

Is it possible to believe that kids themselves can solve problems if adequately guided? “Scoring is Boring” book is based on the premise that learning is not boring but the constant competition and pressure to marks are exhausting. If only we made studies exciting and meaningful, our kids would realize their true strengths and forge their own paths. They don’t need to be pushed but only propelled!

Scoring is boring will help teenagers to be smarter socially, and guide them toward holistic development. It has a set of self-discovery exercises and methods to help them realize their dreams by channeling their true potential.

Scoring is Boring is a guide to help parents to support their teenagers in walking through the constant pressures of scoring. However, there are various ways and means to get success in life. This book advises parents to act like a coach and mentors for them and nurture their career, aspirations for a successful career in their life.

The idea behind publishing this enlightening book “Scoring is Boring” is simply to interpret the feelings of the confused students. The ones who find core subjects difficult to study and eventually find it arduous to crack their examinations. This marvelous handbook only encourages ordinary teenagers to revamp their learning skills without stressing about scores.

About the Author – Saumya Saxena

Saumya Saxena has managed organizational development projects and has created business growth blueprints for business growth for many companies.

Her experience of working with digital solutions like MIS and business analytics gave her an edge in her profession.

As an HR & OD professional, she was also aware that this pressure would continue to affect lives in the long run if not addressed. So, she began doing research to help teenagers, and in the process, discovered insights that could help teenagers cope with stress, enhance their learning, and attain effectiveness.

Along with her husband, Deepak Saxena, who is a Deputy President – HR of a large real estate enterprise, she recorded them in the book, Scoring is Boring, which is a result of 5 years of research and her experiential discoveries.

It contains methods that can turn ordinary teenagers into extraordinary persons who can choose their career paths, develop professionally respected skills, and cope with challenges to never quit.

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