Starring Dharmendra, Madhu, TV actor Rohan Mehra, Rajneesh Duggal, Rajpal Yadav, Kainaat Arora, film Khali Bali and Ganesh Acharya’s film Dehati Disco, director Manoj Sharma’s new film “Hello Hello Whatsup” released on Jio Cinema. Has occurred. Starring Hemant Pandey and Brijendra Kala, this is a unique film which is being liked by the audience.
The story of this film is quite interesting. After the demise of the head of the Sharma family, many members of this family gather. In the midst of mourning, Suman starts receiving messages from her late father. What is the secret behind this extraordinary event? You will have to watch the film to know this.
The film is written, directed by Manoj Sharma, produced by Prachi Movies, under the banner of Sebhariya Pictures, Prachi Movies and Himalayan Dreams. The lyricist and music composer of the film is Praveen Bhardwaj, choreographer is Naresh Shikari.
Manoj Sharma has directed many Bollywood films. His horror comedy film ‘Khali Bali’ was also liked by the audience.