Excitement is building as Paloma Dhillon gears up for her big-screen debut in Rajshri’s film ‘Dono,’ a simple love story releasing on 5th October. The movie’s trailer has already given us a sneak peek at four exquisite lehengas that Paloma dons with elegance and grace as takes on the role of her character Meghna. As we eagerly await her on-screen presence, let’s delve into these captivating looks and anticipate the magic she’ll bring to the silver screen.
Paloma showcases her versatility in a contemporary ensemble featuring a cape, a stylish top, and a flowing skirt. This look is a testament to her modern sensibilities while maintaining a connection to her Indian roots. It’s simplicity at its best, with a touch of sophistication.
Draped in a stunning blue lehenga, Paloma effortlessly exudes beauty and grace. The ensemble is taken to the next level by her choice of statement jewelry – a pair of striking earrings and an eye-catching ring.
In a pink suit with minimal makeup, Paloma showcases that sometimes less is more. The subtle pink hue and understated elegance highlight her natural beauty. It’s a refreshing departure from heavy ensembles, emphasizing her unique style and the role of her on-screen character.
Paloma radiates grace in a pristine white lehenga paired with a sheer net top. The outfit’s ethereal quality is elevated with intricate embroidery, and the look is perfectly accessorized with oversized jhumkas and a matching headband. This ensemble is a testament to her timeless elegance and style.
Mark your calendars and prep yourself as Paloma is all set to shine her new avatar, we already loving the glimpse!