Actress Mithila Palkar has proven her versatility time and again. And while she knows how to ace on the acting front, her latest stint with singing also gotten many to take notes. Yes, Mithila recently collaborated with an acapella band called Voctronica and together they recreated the Tamizh song Ey Sandakaara by Dhee. While this rendition is quite fun to watch, what makes it even more appealing is that no instruments have been used for its recreation. To add to that, Mithila is quite brilliant at her singing gig in this one.
Talking about this collaboration Mithila says, “I am quite fond of things that are artsy in nature, and singing the vocals for acapella was something that I had never tried before. So this time when the collaboration with Voctornica happened, it was something I thoroughly enjoyed. The band is quite talented and simply amazing, it was a pleasure performing with them on a song that we all loved.”
Mithila even took to Instagram and wrote, “The funnest musical collaboration with the funnest bunch! #EySandakaara This insanely talented bunch let me sing with them while they played along, with NO INSTRUMENTS! It was such a joy doing this with them. We are big fans of this song and the makers.”
On the work front, Mithila has some interesting projects in the pipeline that she shall announce very soon. Till then enjoy her lovely rendition of the song on social media.