Hansal Mehta, whose cinematic world has earned him the moniker, #Mehtaverse, adorns the cover of Filmfare, flanked by three of his recent protagonists, Pratik Gandhi, Karishma Tanna, and Gagan Dev Riar. The feature celebrates Mehta’s daring narrative choices in series like Scam and Scoop and his inspired casting decisions.
Expressing gratitude, Pratik Gandhi credits Mehta for giving a leap to his career. He says, “Indebted for life for giving me the career-defining opportunity and endless hope to many artists waiting for that one big break. Love and respect @hansalmehta.”
Their collaboration is a departure from the tried and the tested, epitomising the core of the MehtaVerse — a realm of audacious storytelling and transformative partnerships. Their upcoming show, a biopic on Gandhi, helmed by Mehta, goes on floors soon.
Scoop star Karishma Tanna shares an emotional note: “Tears of joy fill my eyes as I see myself on the cover of Filmfare, a moment that feels surreal… I don’t know how to thank you anymore but still Thanku.”
Gagan Dev Riar, who stunned everyone with his terrific turn as Abdul Karim Telgi in Scam 2003, adds, “I have not won a Filmfare yet but it is an honor to be on this prestigious cover page. Eternally thankful to @hansalmehta sir for making me a part of this gifted unit. Couldn’t have had a better ending to the year that gave me #Scam2003 and so many other reasons to celebrate the performer in me. Congratulations to the wonderful @pratikgandhiofficial and thank you @karishmaktanna for helping us find our best poses!”