Sunday, February 16, 2025

Did You Know? Your PAN Card Holds More Information Than You Think!

PAN card is an important document. It is necessary to provide the PAN card while opening a bank account or to get the benefit of any government scheme. As important as the PAN card is as much as it is important to keep it secure. We do not have to give the details of the PAN card to everyone.

Actually, the number mentioned in the card, which is also called the PAN number, has many details hidden in it itself. We are going to tell you where and which details are included in your PAN number.

These details are included

  • Cardholder’s name
  • Cardholder’s father/mother’s name
  • Date of birth
  • Permanent account number (PAN number)
  • Cardholder’s signature
  • PAN holder’s photo

PAN number contains this information

Many details of the cardholder are given in the number present on the PAN card. The income tax department itself issues the PAN number. The PAN number is prepared on the basis of the information you provide at the time of applying for a PAN card. The PAN number is a 10-digit alpha-numeric number. Each number in it shows some details.

  • The first three letters of the PAN number are from the alphabet from A to Z.
  • The fourth letter of the PAN card shows the category of the taxpayer. It tells which category the cardholder is included in. For example, if the fourth letter is C, it means company. We tell you which letter represents which taxpayer category.
  • The fifth letter tells about the surname of the cardholder. For example, the fifth letter of Rakesh Kumar’s PAN card will be K.
  • All the letters after the fifth letter of the PAN number are decided by the Income Tax Department.

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