Atrangii OTT, under the visionary leadership of Vibhu Agarwal, has just dropped their inaugural reality talk show, “Ansuni,” set to premiere from December 1st, 2023. The show starts streaming from today with two new episodes being dropped every week. Hosted by the dynamic and forthright Hindustani Bhau, “Ansuni” promises to delve into the most hidden and sensitive aspects of people’s lives, offering a platform for them to seek guidance and resolution. “Ansuni” is not just another talk show; it’s a unique and daring exploration of real-life stories that have remained concealed. The show aims to address issues that individuals have hesitated to discuss openly, creating a safe space for them to share and seek help.
Known for his bold and empathetic persona, Hindustani Bhau steps into the role as the host and mediator on “Ansuni.” His relatable and approachable personality, his ability to connect with the junta makes him an apt fit as the host of the show. From the first episode, audiences will witness people from across the length and breadth of the country and across strata of society, come forward to discuss issues like ethical non-monogamy, unconventional marriages like ‘son-in-law + mother-in-law,’ and unique stories such as ‘long-distance lockdown tales. The show promises to shed light on societal taboos and spark meaningful conversations. Hindustani Bhau’s role goes beyond hosting as he not only provides guidance drawing from personal experiences but also facilitates constructive conversations to help participants find resolutions.
Hindustani Bhau shared, “Finally, we have launched my first ever reality talk show. We have been speaking about it since a month and there is a lot of excitement and buzz and people have been asking me what is it about and how will it be unique. Well the show is now streaming, and I would want all my fans to go watch it and may be somewhere it will help them resolve problems. Personally, I have faced many hardships in life and have learned many lessons from them, in this show I have tried my best to provide solution to the guest from my life experience. There are some unheard and unbelievable real-life stories of people. I have tried my best to make them comfortable and listen to them pour their hearts. ‘Ansuni’ will surely live up to its name.”
Vibhu Agarwal shared, “We are thrilled to launch our first-ever reality talk show and very happy to have the audience’s favourite Hindustani Bhau host it. He enjoys massive popularity amongst the audiences and is perceived as very empathetic. Our OTT platform, Atrangii recently forayed into non-fiction content with K.I.N.K and Ansuni is the second in the genre. People have been reaching out to us on the toll free numbers and the first season will dwell on some of these issues. In our endeavor to make our offering more wholesome, we have further bolstered our non-fiction offerings and will be soon announcing the next shows for the upcoming quarter.
Ansuni is now streaming on Atrangii OTT.